Responsive Web Design – One of our clients, has just gone from a static coded website (not a CMS) to a responsive web design. Which encouraged me to compose a blog post on the subject of: Responsive Web Design and some of the reasons why you have to be mobile ready…
This is the static version of on a mobile device before the upgrade:
And this is now:
It was around about 2014 when the type of global Internet users started to turn, Mobile users surpassed Desktop users, a significant milestone with significant effects. If your market is B2C you will certainly need a dedicated mobile marketing strategy and maybe even a dedicated mobile version of your website. Or might your company need a dedicated App? Decision, Decisions…
In order to make the most informed decision you must study your existing traffic. How many pages are browsed on your site on mobile, desktop or tablet? What are the conversion rates on each device? Have you analysed the time of day usage versus the device? And what is that conversion rate on each device? And what about the context?
Study the important facts above and they will allow you to make a very informed strategic decision. You may notice users on your site shifting between devices throughout the day. For example:
It has become increasingly clear that marketers not only have to pay attention to attitudes, preferences and situations. . .but ALSO to device shifting!
Mobile has a greater impact on indirect commerce (in-store use) while tablets play a deeper role in research and direct commerce (B2B). Regardless, your website MUST be mobile friendly, not only from the usage and behaviour points above, but the negative impact your site may encounter from an SEO perspective. You can check if your website is mobile friendly here.
Need help with your mobile digital marketing activity, need a responsive website or maybe a mobile version of your site? Or maybe an App? Contact Digital Sales…
If you are a company that wants to build a world class website or needs help with your organic search position or generate online sales……do the necessary!!!…contact the Digital Sales team direct send us a mail at:, see our contact us page for our office locations.
Diarmuid Haughian – Business Development Director – Digital Sales
Post Grad Dip. User Experience (UX, Student), Dip. International Selling, Cert. Digital Marketing, MSc. BITS